Heatmap of Day Ahead LMPs

Heatmap of Day Ahead LMPs#

In this example, we will download today’s LMP prices at each of the CAISO trading hubs. We will then plot the prices on a heatmap.

import gridstatus

Get LMPs#

We can use the gridstatus method to download LMP prices from CAISO

iso = gridstatus.CAISO()

df = iso.get_lmp(
    date="today",  # you can change to desired date
    ],  # you can change to desired locations

next, let’s clean up the data

# Convert to Hour Ending
df["Hour"] = df["Time"].dt.hour + 1

# Better names for locations
df["Location"] = df["Location"].map(
        "TH_NP15_GEN-APND": "NP15",
        "TH_SP15_GEN-APND": "SP15",
        "TH_ZP26_GEN-APND": "ZP26",

Make Heatmap#

We can make the heatmap by using the builtin heatmap visualization function

fig = gridstatus.viz.dam_heat_map(df)
fig.show("svg", width=1200, height=400)